James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund Deadline Approaching |
Application deadline coming soon! Academic scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 and Vocational/Training program scholarships ranging from $500 to $2,000 are available to High School seniors who are the sons/daughters/financial dependents of Teamster members (including members of the BLET, BMWED, TCRC, TCRC-BMW). In 2024, the Fund awarded $1.
Teamsters D.R.I.V.E. Program |
Democrat, Republican, Independent Voter Education
Big Business and Corporate Special Interests spend big money in Washington to influence members of Congress and push their anti-worker plans.
But the Teamsters are fighting back. We’re leading the fight against corporate power and anti-worker politicians.
Teamsters Voluntary Income Protection Plus (VIP+) Plan |
ENROLLMENT EXTENDED! Deadline to Register is December 29, 2024
As Teamsters, your strength and dedication are unparalleled. Every single day, you take on some of the most challenging jobs, putting your bodies on the line. Such commitment, over time, can take its toll. This is the nature of the hard, honest work that defines us.
Teamsters Scholarship Fund 2025 |
The Teamsters Scholarship Fund applications will be available starting Friday, November 1, 2024, at Teamster.org/scholarships. Applications will be accepted through May 1, 2025.
THANK YOU from Teamsters Local 270 |
Sometimes just saying " Thank You" is what you need!! The Executive board and Business agents toured from Lake Charles to Baton Rouge to thank our Brothers and Sisters for all they do!! From Covid to Hurricanes, our members stood strong and fought the fight, That's what Teamsters do.
A & S Transportation Ratify a 3-Year Contract |
Teamsters Local 270 is proud to announce the ratification of a 3-year contract with A & S Transportation. The Negotiation was lead by Recording Secretary David Baynes and Business Agent Ashton Giron. Thanks to all that showed up and voted.
Congrats and Welcome to Teamsters Local 270.